Thursday, February 4, 2010

Medical Mission- preparation

I'll try a blog for this trip so that anyone who wants to log on can hear about what we're doing. So, as of now, 6 of us from Crossroads Church are planning on flying to the Domincan Republic Tues, Feb 9 and the next day take a bus and then van to Dessalines, Haiti. Dessalines is 4 hrs north of Port-au-Prince. We'll stay in a compound which reportedly has a running shower and toilets. Yea! We'll have one meal a day provided and anything else is on us. I've had all my shots and started taking the anti-malaria med and soon will start Cipro to help prevent GI problems. We'll be there for 8 days. Planning on one daytrip to Port-au-Prince. Our main goal is to get as many medical supplies to the hospital in Dessalines and return one of the docs and his wife there. They live and work there. We hear that refugees with various injuries are now making their way up the coast and starting to overwhelm the hospital in Dessalines so we're hoping to provide medical care to them. (To the best of our abilities and with whatever we have to work with).
I'm so excited for this trip. Don't know just what to expect, but I'm ready. More later.


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  3. My prayers are with all of you!

  4. Amy,

    I am thinking and praying about your trip! I am so excited for you to be given this opportunity to help so many people! You truly are such an inspiration to so many people! I am proud to call you my friend!!!

